
Contributions are always welcome. You can open new issues, contribute to the discussion on existing ones or open pull requests at the FastaParser Github repository.

You can contribute mainly in the following ways:

Report Bugs

Open an issue and follow the Bug Report issue template, describing the bug as precisely as possible.

Fix Bugs

Check the open issues for issues tagged with bug and feel free to fix it.

Write Documentation

If you feel the documentation needs improving (either this documentation or any docstring in the code) you can propose changes by opening an issue or making those changes yourself by editing the documentation files in the docs folder or editing any docstrings directly.

Follow the instructions on how to setup the development environment.

Propose New Features

If you have an idea for a new FastaParser feature open an issue and follow the Feature Request issue template, describing your idea.

Implement New Features

Check the open issues for issues tagged with enhancement and feel free to implement it. Please write appropriate tests, docstrings and documentation. Try to follow the overall coding style of FastaParser.

Follow the instructions on how to setup the development environment.