
Represents a single letter code.


The LetterCode class can be instantiated with the following parameters

fastaparser.LetterCode(letter_code, letter_type=None)
Parameter Type / Value Default Description
letter_code str Letter code. Must be provided
letter_type 'nucleotide', 'aminoacid' or None None Type of letter code, None if there is no information. Optional



  • If letter_code or letter_type are of the wrong type.


Instances of the LetterCode class have the following attributes

Attribute Type / Value Editable Description
letter_code str No Upper case letter code.
letter_type str or None Yes 'nucleotide' or 'aminoacid'. None if there is no information about sequence type.
description str No Description or nucleotide/aminoacid name of letter code (can be an empty string).
degenerate bool or None No Indicates if a letter code is degenerate or not (can be None if letter code is not defined in the FASTA specification or letter_type is unknown).
supported bool No Indicates if letter code is supported or not (ie, if letter_type is provided and letter code is defined in the FASTA specification).
in_fasta_spec bool No Indicates if letter code is defined in the FASTA specification.

Editable attributes can be set by standard variable assignment and deleted/reset with the del keyword:

lettercode_object.letter_type = 'nucleotide'
del lettercode_object.letter_type


Instances of the LetterCode class have the following method


Complementary letter code (ideally, of a nucleotide). If letter_code is not a nucleotide letter code, the complementary will be letter_code.

In order not to impose the setting of letter_type as 'nucleotide', this method will work for any letter code (as long as letter_type is not 'aminoacid'), which has the side effect of returning nonsensical results when letter code is not a nucleotide.

Ex: For aminoacid letter codes that overlap with nucleotide letter codes, the output will be the complement of the nucleotide represented by the same letter code, which makes no sense.




Complement of current LetterCode. Same LetterCode is returned if letter code is not a valid nucleotide.



  • If letter_type is 'aminoacid'.

Class Methods

The LetterCode class has the following class method


Initializes with the given LetterCode object (alternate __init__ method).

Parameter Type / Value Default Description
lettercode LetterCode LetterCode object. Must be provided



Copy of lettercode (LetterCode object).



  • If lettercode is not a LetterCode.

Special Methods

  • __eq__
  • __repr__
  • __str__