
Parser/Reader for a given FASTA file. Iterates over the FASTA file using one of two parsing mechanisms:

  • rich: Returns FastaSequence objects (default). Slower, but feature rich.
  • quick: Generates objects containing just the FASTA header and sequence attributes for each sequence in the FASTA file. Parses FASTA files faster but lacks some features.


The Reader class can be instantiated with the following parameters

fastaparser.Reader(fasta_file, sequences_type=None, infer_type=False, parse_method='rich')
Parameter Type / Value Default Description
fasta_file file object An opened file handle (for reading). Must be provided
sequences_type 'nucleotide', 'aminoacid' or None None Indicates the type of sequences to expect. None if unknown. Optional
infer_type bool False Indicates if Reader should try to infer aminoacid sequence type for each sequence. Can only identify aminoacid sequences. Optional
parse_method 'rich' or 'quick' 'rich' Parse method to use. 'quick' parsing method just parses the header and the sequence into individual properties, so it's much faster and less memory intensive. If selected, sequences_type and infer_type parameters are ignored. 'rich' implements more functionality (FastaSequence), but is slower. Optional



  • If fasta_file, sequences_type, infer_type or parse_method are of the wrong type.
  • If fasta_file is not a file object, is closed or is not readable.


Instances of the Reader class have the following attributes

Attribute Type / Value Editable Description
fasta_file file object No The FASTA file passed as parameter
sequences_type 'nucleotide', 'aminoacid' or None No Indicates the type of sequences to expect. Can be None if not known
infer_type bool No True if Reader was set to infer the sequence type, False otherwise
parse_method 'rich' or 'quick' No Parse method used

Special Methods

  • __iter__
  • __next__
  • __repr__